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VENDOR Resources

  • ESP Is Not Free: Look to KVM over IP for Efficient Data Center Control
    Embedded service processors free? Not so fast. To use the features you really need, you typically pay additional licensing costs. Plus, KVM over IP features lower TCO, multivendor support, enhanced security and flexible user management, among other cost savings.
  • Data Center Power Distribution and Capacity Planning
    With the cost of power rising dramatically and increased uncertainty of global power availability, all levels of corporate management are now more focused than ever on managing and conserving energy.
  • Real-Time Energy Optimization and Best Practices In a Mission-Critical Data Center
    As one of the world's largest Internet commerce platforms, eBay demands extreme data center reliability; any downtime would impact transactions worth more than $2,000 a second. Thus its global data center team must excel simultaneously in delivering uptime and flexibility, while keeping costs down -- a truly complex challenge, requiring constant innovation to be successful.
  • Dominion PX Intelligent PDU Comparison Chart
    Raritan's broad portfolio of outlet and unit-level intelligent PDUs offer the most accurate power measurement of any PDU in the marketplace, along with support for integrated environmental sensors that monitor temperature, humidity and contact closure.

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